Counseling Solutions DFW
Counseling Solutions DFW
For mind, body and spirit
Books on personal growth and recovery issues
Developing an understanding of your problem is a very good place to start your journey to wholeness. The following books and authors are recommended to help develop this insight. Most of the authors below have multiple books on related topics.
Home Coming, by John Bradshaw
Codependency, by Charles Whitfield
Bioenergetics, by Alexander Lowen
Drama of the Gifted Child, by Alice Miller
I Got Tired of Pretending, by Bob Earl
The Knight in Rusty Armor, By Robert Fisher
Alcoholics Anonymous, author anonymous
Co-Dependents Anonymous, author anonymous
The following links are related to counseling, psychotherapy and mental health resources
www.bioenergetics-dallas.com (somatic psychotherapy)
www.rossinst.com (trauma related issues)
www.twelfthstepministry.org (12 step groups for many different issues)
www.dallascouncil.org (resources for chemical dependency issues)
www.codatexas.org (issues related to codependency)